Mobile Computing

Mobile Computers, Handheld, Rugged, Wireless (Wi-Fi), GSM and GPRS enabled PDAs and Industrial Computers.

BigChange Boosts Revenue & Supports Growth at Securitay

Security specialist Securitay has witnessed a 10 per cent increase in revenue following the introduction of mobile workforce management technology from BigChange. By switching from paper-based planning and reporting, Securitay has improved the efficiency of job allocation, completion reporting and invoicing, which has resulted in a significant increase in income from the existing client base. The Dundee-based company has also been able to respond to an exponential growth in demand, because of COVID restrictions, without having to employ additional staff.

“To put it simply BigChange allows us to do more with less,” commented Richard Jennings, Deputy Managing Director at Securitay. “With BigChange we can empower every team member to do what they are employed to do rather than spending time on paper forms and reports, and, because everything is automated, there are less mistakes and fewer omissions.

“BigChange works across the operation from senior management looking at contract reporting and KPI’s, to Emergency Response Officers accessing schedules and filing job reports,” he continued. “HR use BigChange, Accounts use BigChange, Sales use BigChange, we use BigChange to manage our fleet and our drivers, and we use BigChange to communicate internally and with clients. In fact, I’m not sure how we managed before BigChange.”

Securitay provide a range of security services covering guarding, mobile patrols, key holding, lone worker, and CCTV Monitoring. Working with clients such as the NHS, Arnold Clark, Graham & Sibbald and various local authorities, Securitay also subcontracts for G4S, Mitie and Securitas, offering a local solution for national contracts. With offices in Aberdeen, Dundee, and Inverness, Securitay currently employs more than 100 operational staff supported by a back-office team of around 20.

Using the single platform CRM, Job Scheduling, Mobile App, Vehicle Tracking and Online Portal, from BigChange, Securitay has completely transformed the management of its mobile operation from paper forms and reports, produced in Word and Excel, to a fully automated planning, scheduling and reporting workflow. Real-time updates combined with easy access to time-critical information, enabled the company to respond to a 30 per cent increase in demand for key holding and void property services, due to COVID-19 restrictions, using the same workforce.

BigChange also supports Securitay’s SIA (security Industry Authority) Approved Contractor Status and its vision to improve standards across the private security sector.

“The health and safety of our staff and customers is an integral part of our success,” Jennings added. “Using BigChange we can undertake regular driver behaviour, welfare and lone worker checks, allowing us to identify and resolve any issues before they become problems. This is evident in our staff retention and our published Corporate and Social Responsibility to the communities in which we work. BigChange has also allowed us to manage new staff inductions, ongoing training and appraisals, safely and on-time, whilst maintaining a complete audit trail.”