Industry Talk

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The tech sector needs to stand up & take action to protect the Earth

The tech sector needs to stand up and take action to protect the Earth, not just on World Environment Day, but every day. We have now reached the point of climate emergency; The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) March 2023 report warns that we are not going to achieve the target of limiting global warming to 1.5°C by 2050. In the UK and Ireland, we are already feeling the effects of a global average temperature increase of approximately 1.1°C.

Although World Environment Day provides a crucial opportunity to raise awareness and create a stream of consciousness around the many socio-environmental issues that are affecting our planet, we have reached the point where action is far more important than awareness. While governments need to take the lead on carbon and plastic reduction, the IPCC believe the actions taken by organisations and individuals can make a big contribution to achieving net zero.

Tech organisations can play a unique role in being responsible for minimising impacts on climate and biodiversity from their own operations and supply chains. This role can take place in many different forms, including advocating for emerging technologies such as AI and blockchain that can optimise energy networks with innovations like integrated storage, and driving the discovering of new materials and environmentally friendly ways of doing things.

  As the theme this World Environment Day is on solutions to plastic pollution, with the focus on #BeatPlasticPollution, it is important to also think about the small changes that your organisation, your team or even just you as an individual could make to reduce your plastic output. Creating a more sustainable culture that involves everyone in the journey to net zero is ultimately a big part of the solution.